Vorig jaar hadden we Miriam te gast in een Crossroads samenkomst. Zij vertelde over haar hulporganisatie voor vrouwen die uit de prostitutie komen, en voor wie zij een opvanghuis wilde bouwen. Dat staat er inmiddels bijna! Hier lees je een samenvatting van de laatste ontwikkelingen.
Greetings from our girls and the destiny women community at large!
With many thanks we have started witnessing the full purpose of our living to serve God and our community.
We are thankful to you all God has put a burden to stand with us in this ministry of helping young girls stuck somewhere by situations caused by others with selfish intentions.
Dear Crossroads Church, you all mean a lot to us in this ministry!
Our focus this year:
Upgrade our status
Because we have been operating as a community based organization. Only to the district level. Right now our operations are stretching beyond our community level and we find it necessary to up grade our status. This will provide us with a wider area to do our work. (Countrywide)
Change of name
We have got to change our name to Daughters Of Freedom. DAF- Uganda. Destiny women was already secured by another organization working countrywide. The process has began.
Finish the building
We are registering steady progress in completion of our building and hopeful that by the end of this year we have to be having a complete building ready to use. The old girls are so excited about this building. They already feel at home in that unfinished structure. We have also started using structure with activities that need a quiet and cool environment like:
A prayer place and quiet time for bible reading and meditation.
We hold fellowships in the building praise to God in the new place.
We also conducted a 3day training workshop for the mentors in a making program. Convenient for formal meetings with only natural sounds of birds crickets and other animals
We held a camp fire in front of the building one night and had fun while singing to God and telling stories.
Generally the place has life and is proved a nice environment for life changing activities. However. We still have a big task of making it habitable. Government wont let us use such a place as a safe home for girls.
Grow the businesses outlets
Our empowerment Project is open ( salon, boutique and craft shop)-to create a a working area for livelihood to our graduates, market for our products, central meeting place for our old girls who are reintegrated and a place to gain experience and self esteem. For proper settlement back into the community.
As the business takes shape we realize the importance of growing it out of the city and involvement of other old girls closer the their communities.
Involve more of our girls in the day today activities for DAF
Raise funds
We need funds to do our day today functions of the organization. We are growing wider and the little operational budget of 500usd per month is so stretched.
Supplement the budgets. We have to reactivate farms (piggery/ fishing/chicken) if the girls are coming in to raise money for their feeding and upkeep.
Have a fully functional office with at least 6 workers facilitated to work on a monthly basis.
Update on the girls
These are activities we do with our 70+girls:
- Ladies talk Meetings: Joint meetings with ours old and new girls to extend the culture to the coming generation.
- Have Volunteer girls working with us but they need livelihood as well.
- Mentors in the making program: We need to train and facilitate at least 4 mentors for the coming girls from among the old girls.
- Students program: The girls who are smart enough are to be taken for formal education to become professional. While the rest will go vocational. Grown up girls will be encouraged to become independent.
Our rehabilitation centre is not yet complete. But in all we are thankful that we have a structure put in place. We got additional funding from our friends of Amilias light which we have purposed to put on doors and remaining windows to close our building.
We therefore thank you friends for standing with us in all capacities. Our prayer is to see this work come true. The heart of our Lord Jesus will be torched by our effort to transform the young generation out of death and destruction.
Thank you!
Miriam Nabushawo Enyaga.
Mathew 9:37-38.